ㅤ&& if the devil was to ever see you , he'd kiss your eyes && repent.ㅤ
ㅤethel / twenty-two / they/she / central timeㅤ

ㅤdo notㅤㅤinteract with me if you are under the age of sixteen. i would prefer anyone interacting with me to be at least sixteen, if not eighteen. it just makes me uncomfortable to interact with minors.
ㅤdo notㅤㅤsteal or copy from me. i put a lot of work into the characters and ideas i create and to have someone steal that is really shitty. if you're interested in using a form or layout of mine, just ask.
ㅤdo notㅤㅤinteract with me with the intentions of speaking of or mentioning your religion to me. i'm not interested in hearing it in any way, shape, or form. especially if it's in the instance of praying for me.
ㅤdoㅤㅤask by commenting or messaging me if you'd like to use my form or layout. i don't bite (:
ㅤdoㅤㅤmessage me if you ever want to talk or roleplay.
ㅤdoㅤㅤrefer to me by ethel and use they/them and she/her pronouns.
things i roleplay |
previously, i mostly roleplayed fandomless dog characters but recently i've gotten back into warrior cats. occasionally i may roleplay human ocs in both fandoms as well as fandomless; i don't frequently do though. i prefer individual 1 on 1 roleplays but i do partake in group roleplays as well. i roleplay mostly felines and canines but i am open to roleplaying just about any four-legged species. 99 percent of the time i roleplay sfw scenarios but i occasionally roleplay nsfw scenarios. |
sites i'm on |
discord skelenation pinterest skelenatiion tumblr skelenation wattpad skelenation |

ㅤbirthdateㅤㅤfebruary 2nd.
ㅤlocationㅤㅤusa, ct time.
ㅤroleplayㅤㅤliterate & detailed.
ㅤabout meㅤㅤi'm an avid reader and i enjoy reading 'spicy' books, horror, and splatterpunk. any romance based books i read tend to be sapphic or mf. lately, i've stepped away from the romance genre and gotten into splatterpunk and horror. the darker, the better. i'm also an avid roleplayer and have been roleplaying for about a decade now. i started in the warriors fandom and eventually left it and went to fandomless dog ocs. i'm now stepping back into my roots after rereading the series a few months back. i'm currently a mechanic and almost done with my major in wildlife biology.
❝ㅤstand & face me, my love, && scatter the grace in your eyes.ㅤ❞